Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The hare...

" High above within the "castle"
a meeting, gathering of aiki souls
were well ahead.
Windows open
empty space
the danger of falling over
was all I felt.

"Close them was my thought",
as afraid I was from other "castles
early in my childhood dreams
was ever present and now again the fear is here.

Looking through the glass windows
or walls I do not know.
Dozed off... or wake up
and all of a sudden

I turned the party off.

All picked up,
the trash or residuals to the garbage gone.
A rabbit or hare, I do not know.
White fluffy fur
and long ears
in my arms I found.
What was she doing there

in this gathering of souls?
To take her home was my next concern
and off I go.

A house I found
or was I found
by her?
In I went to leave safe
the hare.
Surprised I was,
to see the owner
in an old friend's face.
A housewife,
with domestic garments
and hair fixed with paper rolls in her hair
not quite like her.

There I left the hare

to be cared and safe.

Out I went...

strange area, road or
country side.
My car and another car

trying to get out to the road outside.
Dirt and rocks,
steep areas and
some smooth
and some others not.

Round and round we went
not been able to get out.

And then, I woke up..."



Antigonum Cajan said...

How fun to write
these lines in a foreign language.
Particularly to one that worries
about patriotism, the nation, independence?

As an horticultural student, follower
or Lao Tzu, Confucianism and that bag
I declare: to worry about existentialism and being...is all a unworthy activity, if one is totally disconnected from NATURE/ENVIRONMENT.

We the humble ones realize that in the Western World, the lack of peace within is consequence of the lack of awareness/connection with nature.

The path is one. Plant something, take care of many forgett about the I, out of context.

Humbly, your servant..

NO Machete

Sensei Myriam said...

Thank you...