Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Specious moment

" Don't talk,
can you hold
the tension?"
Little dragonfly
whispers in my ear.
"Just let go
and see
let go
and hear
suspended in
the sea.

What sea is this?
The Unknown, the Void,
The whole from
everything is.
In which
you need to stay

Still?... Quiet?...
In the middle
of what?
"A dynamic space
where what is,
no longer exist.
Only the tension
of the old dying
giving way
to the new."
And me in the middle
both still.

For how long?
Will this tension
the struggle...
The moment which is not
and yet is.
The always
and ceasing
to exist?

"Don't talk,
don't ask,
just wait.
Keep your ground
in the eternal "is".
Holding the tension
and let it all be.
In silence
in quiet,
not telling
not asking,
not knowing
just let it all be."

Saturday, January 13, 2007

It is all for you...

My soul within
can't find the peace,
the trust I used to feel.
What is it?. Why is it?
I do not know.
Voices... confusion...
Can't they see?
Is not one or two
but all.

Do they know?
Do I know?...
This thing I want to do?
This path I want to walk?
This way I want to work?

Where have they lost themselves?
Or is it me the lost one?
My heart , a little voice inside
stills my mind and stills my heart.
"You are not lost,
it takes more time
for them to see
what you have seen."

The hurt remains,
and yet...
my soul quieter now,
get the sense
that all is well.
"A little time...
for now just let go
and let yourself
be renewed.
Is not for them,
this is all for you."
