Nowhere to go,
escape from myself.
Isn't that
foolish enough?
Desperate to find
a time for repose
just in quiet
and silence to be.
escape from myself.
Isn't that
foolish enough?
Desperate to find
a time for repose
just in quiet
and silence to be.
The struggle within
seems to never end
to prove...
to prove just that,
but insane.
seems to never end
to prove...
to prove just that,
but insane.

in my mind
in my heart.
It's up to me
why don't I realize?
Yes, why?
No more fight,
no more stuggle
no more cares
no more thoughts.
Cause it is here
and I decide to let it go...
let it all go.
Do I surrender?
Certainly not.
But do a truce
I call myself forth?
To this I say "yes"
and take a rest
from the fight.
And laying
still all my minds.
A rest
my eyes closed
my head placed
in the well of the unknown.
No more knowing,
let just rest.
Perhaps it is time
to just let
everything go.
And by having nothing
more to hold on
the peace, the joy will
rush back as it was before.
Let me jump, step in
just throw
myself to the void
and find myself again
where it all begun.
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